Thursday, March 24 • 11:00am - 12:00pm
Open Source Paths in Learning Mixed Reality Development

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Mixed Reality (MR) is a new and rapidly evolving field, in which many people are exploring ways to get started with development. Some of the challenges to picking up MR development are a lack of accessibility due to paywalled solutions or the need to learn a new programming language or tech stack.

In the past year, I transitioned from full-time web development to MR development using my existing knowledge and open-source javascript libraries and framework. This process helped me to focus more on building and learning about this new domain.

This workshop is targeted at web developers & creators who are interested in exploring Mixed Reality (MR) development. I will introduce open source options that increase access to the MR domain, address the hurdles of learning paths that are paywalled and leverage existing web development skills.

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Tayo Madein

Omotayo Madein (aka Tayo) is a Software Engineer and a human-centred design enthusiast from Nigeria. As a Technical Designer on Microsoft's Mixed Reality - Developer Experience team, she's currently building Mixed Reality experiences that leverage web technologies and exploring opportunities... Read More →

Thursday March 24, 2022 11:00am - 12:00pm WAT
Cape Town Hall